April 14, 2021

Congresswoman Sara Jacobs Statement on President Biden Announcement on Afghanistan

Today, President Biden addressed the nation and formally announced that the United States will begin withdrawing troops from Afghanistan by September 11, 2021.  

Congresswoman Sara Jacobs (D-CA-53), a member of the House Armed Services Committee and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, released the following statement:  

“This is a historic moment and it’s clear that the President recognizes the importance of this decision. After twenty years, our longest war is ending, and it’s ending this year.

“I know this is a complicated day for those who served in Afghanistan — who lost loved ones and still live with the trauma of war. A lot of American soldiers died even as our government and our people lost faith in the efforts. We should never forget that and never let it happen again. President Biden visiting Arlington this afternoon underscores the gravity of the choices that the Commander in Chief has to make. And that Congress has abdicated for too long.

“As someone who represents a proud military community in San Diego, I’ve heard from families with two generations of servicemembers who have served in Afghanistan and two generations of families who have supported and sacrificed with them.

“I was in middle school when we went to war in Afghanistan. I’m now a Member of Congress, serving on the Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committees. It feels surreal to react to this news and recognize just how long we have been at war.

“An important point was made by the President during his remarks — we’ll continue to work through diplomatic and humanitarian channels to support the people of Afghanistan. This is the appropriate next step as we continue to uphold democracy and human rights. President Biden was right: you can always find reasons to stay — but the fact is, wars are supposed to end. It’s past time for this one.

“We need to focus on the challenges of the next twenty years, not the previous twenty. I look forward to working with the White House and my colleagues in Congress to implement the President’s plan and mark a new chapter in American foreign policy.”