June 24, 2021

Congresswoman Sara Jacobs Statement on Proposed Infrastructure Deal

On Thursday, the White House and a bipartisan group of Senators announced an infrastructure framework. Speaker Pelosi announced that the infrastructure package would continue on a dual track alongside a larger reconciliation bill to address the economy.   

Congresswoman Sara Jacobs (D-CA-53) has repeatedly emphasized the importance of investing in the care economy and making the expansion of the Child Tax Credit permanent, including speaking on the House floor and leading a letter to the White House. Jacobs is a House co-lead on Senator Elizabeth Warren’s Universal Child Care and Early Learning Act and met with child care providers in San Diego earlier this month.  

In response to the White House announcement of the bipartisan infrastructure agreement, Congresswoman Jacobs released the following statement:

“For too many San Diego families, the economy wasn’t working well before COVID-19. That's especially true for working parents, people of color, millennials, and more. It isn’t enough to go back to the way things were before. So while I’m glad there’s been progress on an infrastructure bill in the Senate, I'm going to keep working for a bill that delivers what my constituents need, and helps us build the economy of the future. That especially means investing in the care economy, which even before this pandemic was inaccessible for too many families and kept too many providers living in poverty.”

“As Speaker Pelosi has made clear, any bipartisan infrastructure bill has to co-exist with a reconciliation bill that adequately addresses the needs of all Americans, or it won’t be — and shouldn’t be — considered by the House.”