December 01, 2022

House Passes Rep. Sara Jacobs’ Bipartisan Bill To Rename Rolando Post Office After Former San Diego Rep. Susan Davis

The House of Representatives passed Congresswoman Sara Jacobs’ (CA-53) bipartisan legislation (H.R. 9308) to rename the Rolando post office as the Susan A. Davis Post Office. Congresswoman Jacobs introduced the legislation earlier this month with the support of all 52 of her House colleagues from California, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to honor former Congresswoman Susan Davis’ more than 20 years of public service to Rolando and San Diego.

Watch Congresswoman Sara Jacobs’ Floor Speech Here

Congresswoman Sara Jacobs said:

“I’m so honored to rise today to recognize and celebrate my friend, mentor, and predecessor, Congresswoman Susan Davis, and her decades of public service to Rolando and the San Diego community.

“From serving on the San Diego Unified Board of Education to the California State Assembly to the halls of Congress, Congresswoman Davis worked tirelessly to advocate and deliver for her constituents. 

“As Chairwoman and Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Military Personnel, she championed our service members, leading the repeal of the discriminatory “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, increasing military pay and benefits, expanding access to mental health care and services, and shining a light on military sexual assault. And she didn’t forget about our military families either – and fought to ensure they had housing that was safe and affordable and quality health care.

“Everyone who knows Susan knows that she doesn’t give up. Term after term, she re-introduced legislation to expand women’s access to health care – and because of her unwavering dedication, women across the country no longer need prior approval or a referral to receive OB/GYN care. For young women like me, that’s essential because, for years, my OB/GYN was the only doctor I saw.

“Susan cares so deeply about our nation’s children and introduced many bills to protect children and ensure they have every door open to them so they have a successful, thriving future. She pushed to address child hunger, expand access to child care and early learning opportunities, and strengthen our education programs. And through her work on the Education and Labor Committee, she advocated for more registered apprenticeships and for making college more affordable and accessible.

“And for me, Susan has been one of my biggest cheerleaders. When I wasn’t sure I was ready to run for Congress, she called me every day to convince me that I was. She’s always strived to bring more people to the leadership table and make way for people with new voices and experiences to lead.

“For all these reasons and so many more, I’m proud to honor Congresswoman Susan Davis’ decades of service to the Rolando community and all of San Diego by renaming the Rolando post office after her. I’m so grateful to have the support of all of my California colleagues and many more who served with Susan. This is the culmination of a community-led effort, powered by the people of Rolando and Council President Sean Elo-Rivera’s office. 

“Thank you Congresswoman Davis for all you’ve done for San Diego and all that you continue to do. Your kindness, selflessness, leadership, and service continue to be an inspiration to all of us. Thank you.”
