September 21, 2022

Rep. Sara Jacobs’ End Veteran Hunger Act Passes House Veterans Affairs Committee

Congresswoman Sara Jacobs’ (CA-53) End Veteran Hunger Act passed the House Veterans Affairs Committee today. The legislation would combat food insecurity among veterans by providing grants to improve veteran access to proven federal food and nutrition programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), including by increasing proactive outreach and education to veterans and reducing the stigma associated with utilizing these programs. Congresswoman Jacobs introduced the End Veteran Hunger Act last week with Congresswoman Julia Brownley (CA-26), Chair of the Health Subcommittee of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, and it now moves to full consideration of the House.

“We have a solemn responsibility to serve those who served us, and to make sure they can put food on the table,” said Congresswoman Sara Jacobs. “Yet, the San Diego Food Bank alone serves 45,000 low-income veterans and active-duty military personnel and their families every single month. It’s a national failure to abandon our veterans, and we need to act quickly to give them the support and resources they need. I’m grateful the House Veterans Affairs Committee passed my bill, the End Veteran Hunger Act, today so we can boost outreach, education, and enrollment of veterans in proven federal food and nutrition programs.”

The End Veteran Hunger Act would:

  • Create a 5-year grant program serving veterans and their families, administered through the VA’s National Nutrition and Food Services Office

  • Provide grants to:

    • Increase access to and enrollment in Federal food and nutrition programs, including SNAP

    • Increase participation in nutrition counseling and education programs 

    • Provide direct food assistance as a complement to program access, enrollment, and education efforts 

  • Include community-based organizations, veterans service organizations, tribal organizations, and government agencies (local, state, or federal) among eligible entities 

  • Require the VA, in consultation with USDA, to submit an interim and final report on the effectiveness and outcomes of the grants
