April 25, 2023

Rep. Sara Jacobs Joined Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries on Congressional Delegation to Ghana and Israel

Congresswoman Sara Jacobs (CA-51), Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa, joined Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries on a congressional delegation to visit Ghana and Israel.

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Congresswoman Sara Jacobs, Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries, and Reps. Gregory Meeks, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Yvette Clarke, Stacey Plaskett, Nanette Barragán, Josh Gottheimer, Steven Horsford, Lizzie Fletcher, Joe Neguse, and Dean Phillips visited Ghana, one of the United States’s closest partners in West Africa, to reaffirm the strong bilateral relationship. The lawmakers met with President Nana Akufo-Addo and visited Ghanaian sites related to the transatlantic slave trade – to reflect on the United States’ complicated and painful legacy in Ghana and work to strengthen a strong, lasting, and mutually beneficial partnership that centers local voices and advances shared priorities.

The delegation then traveled to Israel to commemorate its 75th anniversary and recognize Yom HaZikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day. The lawmakers met with President Isaac Herzog, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana, and Opposition Leader Yair Lapid about promoting regional security, prospects for a two-state solution, and concerns about the proposed judicial reforms. The delegation then held a roundtable with young Palestinian entrepreneurs, innovators, and non-profit leaders focused on ways to improve the quality of life and economic development opportunities for the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza. The lawmakers then visited the Yad Vashem Holocaust Remembrance Center and participated in an Israel Memorial Day ceremony at Latrun.

Congresswoman Sara Jacobs, Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa said: “Restoring America’s reputation around the world starts by leading with our values. I was honored to join Leader Hakeem Jeffries on his historic first trip as Democratic Leader, and was grateful for the opportunity to build on the Biden Administration’s renewed engagement on the African continent by visiting Ghana, one of our closest partners in West Africa. In meetings with President Nana Akufo-Addo and civil society, we discussed recent progress to prevent further conflict and instability in Ghana through a whole-of-government approach, and America’s renewed commitment to our strong bilateral relationship. 


“I was also honored to commemorate Yom HaZikaron and Israel’s 75th anniversary. While in Israel, I had many productive conversations with the Israeli government, opposition, and Palestinian civil society. In particular, I pressed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the concerns I had around his judicial reform plan, Israeli state excessive force, the demolition of Palestinian homes, settlement expansion, and his lack of commitment to a two-state solution. I firmly believe Israel will only be safe and secure once there is a viable, sovereign Palestinian state.” 
