June 04, 2024

Rep. Sara Jacobs Votes Against Sanctioning ICC and Undermining Rules-Based International Order

Rep. Sara Jacobs (CA-51) voted against H.R. 8282, which would sanction International Criminal Court (ICC) officials and any foreign individuals who support certain investigations, and undermine the rules-based international order that is key for global economic prosperity, stability, and security.

Rep. Sara Jacobs said: “Sanctioning not only ICC officials but also our partners and allies that support the ICC would undermine the rules-based order that is so vital to U.S. leadership on the world stage. It would undercut our strategic objectives to seek justice and accountability for the most serious crimes and damage ongoing ICC investigations in Sudan, Ukraine, and elsewhere. 

“We must be willing to defend the international order and stand up for what’s right – even when it’s hard, politically inconvenient, or causes blowback. Having one set of rules for ourselves and our friends and another set for the rest of the world risks making us no better than the autocrats we’re seeking to counter. Our strong values allow us to hold our partners to commitments to uphold human rights, the rule of law, and democracy. And it’s what has helped us build coalitions to protect our national security and advance our foreign policy goals for decades. That’s why we must continue to stand with our allies, our values, and the ICC.”
