December 19, 2023

Reps. Jacobs, Ramirez, Underwood, Watson Coleman Introduce Resolution Honoring 6-year-old Wadee Alfayoumi and Condemning Hate Crimes

Representatives Sara Jacobs (CA-51), Delia C. Ramirez (IL-03), Lauren Underwood (IL-14), and Bonnie Watson Coleman (NJ-12) introduced a resolution honoring Wadee Alfayoumi, a 6-year-old Palestinian boy, murdered as a victim of a hate crime for his Palestinian Muslim identity, in the State of Illinois. The resolution affirms that no one should be a target of hate because of their ethnicity or religion and strongly condemns hate crimes, Islamophobia, antisemitism, and anti-Palestinian discrimination. The legislative text definitively declares that Palestinian children, Israeli children, United States children, and all children across the globe deserve to live in peace and be free from discrimination, hate crimes, and violence.

In light of reports that misinformation and hateful rhetoric contributed to Wadee’s murder, the resolution also asserts that dehumanizing misinformation and disinformation can fuel acts of violence against ethnic or religious groups. That’s why the legislation calls on elected officials and the media to take on the responsibility of communicating and informing the public and constituents without utilizing dehumanizing rhetoric.

“Wadee Alfayoumi was a happy, sweet, spirited six-year-old, who deserved every opportunity in life. I am distraught and heartbroken for his family, who witnessed his murder and now have to live life without him – and I am alarmed by the rise of anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian racism and violence that has skyrocketed since October 7,” said Rep. Sara Jacobs. “No one should be targeted and killed because of their identity, and every child should have the chance to grow up free from violence and hate. I’m honored to co-lead this resolution to honor Wadee’s life, to denounce hatred of all kinds, and to push for peace and safety for everyone in the United States, Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank.”

“Hateful anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian rhetoric has real consequences. Just 30 minutes away from my district, Wadee Alfayoumi, a 6-year-old Palestinian-American child full of dreams, became victim to the rising islamophobia and hateful rhetoric spewed about carelessly and recklessly since October 7. His death and his family's pain weigh heavily on my heart, and we must ensure that no other children, families or communities suffer as a result of this vile rhetoric,” said Congresswoman Ramirez. “The safety, well-being, and peace of our communities are interconnected. The rise of hate crimes anti-Palestinian racism, Islamophobia, and antisemitism puts all of us in grave danger. That’s why I am proud to join Reps Jacobs, Underwood, and Watson Coleman, Wadee’s family, and a broad coalition of human rights advocates to honor the life of Wadee and condemn hatred that makes us all less safe. I call on all the members of Congress to join me in upholding our sacred shared humanity.”

“Our community lost a beautiful light when Wadee Alfayoumi was taken from us,” Rep. Underwood said.“Wadee brought sunshine and joy to his loved ones and classmates, and I am so proud to have worked with Wadee’s family and community leaders on this resolution to honor his life and his memory.”

"It is a shared wish of every parent for their children to live in peace and security. The brutal murder of Wadee Alfayoumi shook the world. The increase in dehumanizing language we’ve seen in recent years and especially in the last two months puts all of our children at risk. This resolution comes at a critical time when we must reverse this trend and create a world in which all of our children - be they American, Palestinian, or Israeli - live and thrive with a sense of peace, dignity, and mutual respect,” said Rep. Watson Coleman.

This legislation also has the support of local and national organizations, including the  Muslim Civic Coalition, Defending Rights & Dissent, Emgage Action, Muslimahs in Policy, US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USPCR), National Association of Muslim Lawyers, CAIR National, Muslim Bar Association, Chicago Muslim Medical Alliance, North Carolina Muslim Bar Association, Dallas Ft. Worth Texas Bar Association, American Muslim Health Professionals, Muslim Legal Fund of America, and ICNA Council of Social Justice. 

The Resolution resolved that:

  • the United States lost the beautiful light of Wadee Alfayoumi because of hate;

  • it is the duty of elected officials and media to tell the truth without dehumanizing rhetoric when informing the public of factual information;

  • freedom of speech and peaceful protest are constitutionally protected and a fundamental corner- stone of democracy; and

  • the United States has zero tolerance for hate crimes, Islamophobia, antisemitism, and anti-Palestinian and anti-Arab discrimination.

The full text of the legislation can be found HERE.