February 26, 2021

Statement from Congresswoman Jacobs on U.S. Airstrike in Syria

Congresswoman Sara Jacobs (D-CA-53), a member of the House Armed Services Committee and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, releases the following statement:

“As a millennial who has never known a day in my adult life when the United States hasn’t been at war, and someone who has spent my career working to prevent conflict around the world, I look very critically at U.S. military involvement overseas.

“I appreciate having heard from the Biden Administration surrounding their justification for the airstrikes in Syria against Iranian-backed militia, and at this time believe that those strikes appear to be justified for the protection of our troops.

“I look forward to reading the report to Congress that is required by the War Powers Act within the next 48 hours for more information. I also look forward to working with the Administration to ensure they are de-escalating tensions with Iran, and focused on diplomacy in service of a broader regional strategy moving forward.”