November 20, 2020

Congresswoman-Elect Sara Jacobs Appointed Freshman Representative to House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee

WASHINGTON, D.C.-- Today, Speaker Nancy Pelosi appointed Congresswoman-elect Sara Jacobs from California’s 53rd Congressional District as the Freshman Representative to the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee. Speaker Pelosi’s appointment came at the recommendation of the incoming Democratic members of the 117th Congress, who unanimously nominated Jacobs for the role.


The Democratic Steering and Policy Committee acts on behalf of the caucus to determine membership and leadership of legislative committees and develop the House Majority’s policy priorities. In her new role, Jacobs will serve as an advocate for the Class of 2020 to ensure new members are well-positioned to be effective representatives for their districts in Congress.


Congresswoman-elect Sara Jacobs released the following statement following her appointment as Freshman Representative to the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee:


“I am honored by the faith Speaker Pelosi and my new colleagues have put in me. The 117th Congress was elected amid a national crisis and is tasked with the solemn responsibility of leading our country into recovery. I take that responsibility seriously, and am grateful for the opportunity to do my part to support this caucus and this Congress as we commit ourselves to the work ahead.”
