December 18, 2020

Congresswoman-Elect Sara Jacobs Receives First Legislative Committee Assignment to House Committee on Foreign Affairs

WASHINGTON, D.C.-- Today, Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the nomination of Congresswoman-Elect Sara Jacobs (CA-53) to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. This announcement follows Jacobs’ previous appointment by Speaker Pelosi -- supported by the unanimous nomination of the Freshman class -- to the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee, which acts on behalf of the caucus to determine membership and leadership of legislative committees and develop the House Majority’s policy priorities.

Jacobs is the sole Democratic freshman to receive a nomination to the prestigious House Committee on Foreign Affairs. She joins the committee after years of service in foreign policy. Jacobs previously served as a Conflict and Stabilization Policy Officer in the U.S. Department of State during the Obama Administration, in the Innovation Unit at UNICEF, in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations at the United Nations, on the foreign policy team for Secretary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, and most recently as a Scholar in Residence at the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies at the University of San Diego.

Upon receiving the nomination, Congresswoman-Elect Sara Jacobs released the following statement:

“I am honored to serve California’s 53rd Congressional District on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. I look forward to bringing my experience in U.S. foreign policy and international organizations -- and my voice as a millennial who has never known a day in my adult life that the United States has not been at war -- to the committee as we work to rebuild America’s standing in the world.”
