March 11, 2021

Congresswoman Jacobs Votes for Gun Safety Legislation and Celebrates the Leadership of Young People on Gun Violence Prevention in Floor Speech

Today, the House passed H.R. 8, the Bipartisan Background Checks Act, and H.R. 1446, the Enhanced Background Checks Act, two gun violence prevention measures to require background checks on all gun sales and close the Charleston Loophole that allowed the mass shooting at Mother Emanuel AME Church.

Congresswoman Sara Jacobs (D-CA-53) voted for both bills and spoke on the House floor on the importance of gun violence prevention. Congresswoman Jacobs’ remarks highlighted the role that young people have played in calling for change, including local students in San Diego.

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Congresswoman Jacobs remarks on the floor are as follows:

Madam Speaker, today, the House passed HR 8 and HR 1446 – two bills to enhance background checks and promote gun violence prevention.

As a millennial, I am a member of what is known as the Columbine generation, a generation that grew up in the shadow of gun violence and school shootings.

When violence came to our Capitol on January 6, Congressional staffers barricaded themselves into a conference room and hid under furniture because it’s what they learned to do in years of active shooter drills.

It’s time for that to change. And this is the start.

So today, I rise to honor the young people who called us here to act.

From Steele Canyon to Bonita Vista, students in San Diego have organized and protested and marched for their lives.

I have been so inspired by them and by young Americans across the country who have fundamentally changed the conversation on gun violence.

It’s because of their activism we have finally passed common-sense legislation that will save so many lives.

I was proud to support these bills, and I yield back.