March 10, 2021

Congresswoman Jacobs Applauds Passage of American Rescue Plan, Transformational Investments to Reduce Child Poverty

Jacobs advocated for child care and child poverty measures in final bill

Today, the House of Representatives passed the American Rescue Plan. Congresswoman Sara Jacobs (D-CA-53) proudly voted for this historic legislation which makes unprecedented investments in a nationwide vaccine program to get life-saving shots into arms, provides $1,400 relief checks to people in need, and extends pandemic-related unemployment benefits.

A key component of the American Rescue Plan makes the Child Tax Credit fully refundable and increases the annual credit to $3,000 per credit and $3,600 per children under six. The bill also includes $39 billion in child care grants. In discussions with the White House and House Leadership, Congresswoman Jacobs strongly advocated for these measures to be included in the final package. In February, Congresswoman Jacobs joined her colleagues in the Democratic Women’s Caucus in calling for child care funding to be part of the American Rescue Plan. Jacobs also signed on as an original co-sponsor of the American Family Act, legislation to expand the Child Tax Credit and make refundability permanent. In district work in San Diego, Jacobs has met with local child care providers and non-profit groups to discuss local needs and the importance of these measures.

This bill also helps small businesses stay afloat by expanding the Paycheck Protection Program, immediately provides $130 billion for schools to re-open safely and equitably, and provides resources to state and local governments so they can provide services and support essential workers.

Last week, Congresswoman Jacobs hosted a press conference in San Diego with congressional colleagues and local non-profit, business, and health care leaders. She also met with Veterans Village of San Diego, the San Diego VA Medical Center, and Chollas View Church Food Pantry, a partner of the San Diego Food Bank.

Lauding the passage of the bill, Congresswoman Sara Jacobs released the following statement:

“The American Rescue Plan will save lives, jobs, and businesses, and I was proud to vote for it. I am particularly excited that this bill makes significant investments in America’s kids, cutting childhood poverty in half by expanding the Child Tax Credit and allocating $39 billion for child care to help working families. I was proud to fight for these important provisions and am so happy they will be signed into law. Alongside extraordinary leaders like House Appropriations Chair Rosa DeLauro, my colleagues and I pushed for a bill that meets this moment and that would make a big difference for America’s kids. This bill delivers.

“This recovery isn’t about going back to the way things were, which already wasn’t working for too many families. My colleagues and I were elected in the midst of a national crisis and tasked with rebuilding and reimagining a struggling economy.

“This has been a year of pain, loss, and hardship for so many Americans – from losing loved ones and livelihoods, dealing with isolation, and adjusting to new economic realities and undue burdens that have hit those who could least afford it the hardest. That’s why the White House and my Democratic colleagues in Congress made this bill a priority.

“We are going to crush this virus and come back stronger. Help is on the way, and things are going to get better.”