April 01, 2021

Congresswoman Sara Jacobs Applauds Biden-Harris Administration’s Support for Trans Service Members

A member of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Military Personnel, Jacobs previously signaled trans rights in the military as a top priority

Yesterday, on Trans Day of Visibility, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced a policy allowing trans members of the military to serve openly, a reversal of Trump-era policy. A member of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Military Personnel, Congresswoman Sara Jacobs (D-CA-53) had previously expressed her support for this action and for the federal government to allow trans members of the military to serve openly.  

In response to this policy announcement, Congresswoman Sara Jacobs issued the following statement: 

“I’m grateful to Secretary Austin and the Biden-Harris Administration for taking this meaningful step to make our military more reflective of America’s diversity. With this updated policy, trans service members, like their cis-gender counterparts, can freely and authentically serve the country they love while receiving the care they need and deserve. 

“As a member of the House Armed Services Committee and the Subcommittee on Military Personnel, and as the sister of trans and gender non-conforming siblings, I have a unique understanding of just how important this policy shift will be. I look forward to working with this Administration and my colleagues to make sure all our siblings can live and serve freely, openly, and equally.”