March 31, 2021

Congresswoman Sara Jacobs Statement on the American Jobs Plan

Jacobs: “I am especially heartened to see President Biden continuing to prioritize the care economy and our child care infrastructure.”

Today, President Joe Biden announced the American Jobs Plan to create millions of good-paying jobs, rebuild our infrastructure, and allow the United States to once again lead on the world stage. This proposal includes resources to modernize and repair highways, ports, airports, and other transit systems; deliver clean water and broadband; support care workers and modernize our child care infrastructure; and various other projects that will allow the U.S. economy to recover and rebuild in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. 

Following President Biden’s remarks on the plan, Congresswoman Sara Jacobs (D-CA-53) issued the following statement: 

“President Biden’s American Jobs Plan is an important first step toward the long-term infrastructure and economic investments we need to make. After more than a year spent mired in this pandemic, it is clear that a return to the way things were done before won’t be sufficient.

“As someone who fought tirelessly for the expansion of the Child Tax Credit and the $40 billion in child care investments in the American Rescue Plan, I am especially heartened to see President Biden continuing to prioritize the care economy and our child care infrastructure. I look forward to working with the White House and my colleagues in Congress to ensure this plan meets the moment, adequately supports American families, and builds an equitable economy where every child has a chance to succeed.”