July 24, 2021

Congresswoman Sara Jacobs’ Statement on Airstrikes in Somalia

In response to the U.S. airstrikes in Somalia targeting al-Shabab militants this week, Congresswoman Sara Jacobs issued the following statement: 

“I am deeply troubled by the news of the United States conducting airstrikes in Somalia this week. While I have been encouraged by the Biden Administration’s ongoing review and restrictions of its drone program, I have concerns about the legal justification of the recent strikes, particularly as they seem to have been conducted without White House approval.

“The lack of consistent consultation with Congress on matters of war is deeply problematic and contributes to a foreign policy that fails to connect our actions on the ground with our foreign policy objectives, the lives of the American people, and the lives of people in other countries.

“I look forward to hearing the Pentagon’s justification for these two latest strikes. In the meantime, I will continue to push to ensure that Congress has robust oversight of war powers, and that the United States has a coherent strategy to address the underlying grievances that contribute to violent extremism and instability in Somalia and around the world.”