September 30, 2023

Rep. Sara Jacobs: House Democrats Outwitted Republicans and Prevented a Federal Government Shutdown

Rep. Sara Jacobs (CA-51) and 208 other House Democrats prevented a federal government shutdown, which would have cost the economy billions of dollars and impacted millions of Americans.


Rep. Sara Jacobs said, “Speaker Kevin McCarthy owes an apology to our service members and military families, federal workers, and all those who rely on federal programs to make ends meet. They’ve been worrying, stressing, and penny-pinching, trying to figure out how to stretch one paycheck, knowing that another might not come because of a government shutdown. That’s why I’m so proud that House Democrats outnumbered and outwitted far-right Republicans, held the line against their extreme agenda, and watched them fold. Today, we extended our current budget and prevented a government shutdown, providing relief and continued paychecks for so many people across the country. Next, Speaker McCarthy should honor the deal he made with President Biden and work with Democrats in these next 45 days to pass common-sense appropriations bills so we can uphold our promises and keep the services up and running that the American people need and deserve.”

