October 03, 2023

Rep. Sara Jacobs Votes to Remove the Speaker of the House

Rep. Sara Jacobs (CA-51) voted to remove the Speaker of the House today in order to govern in a more responsible, bipartisan direction.


Rep. Sara Jacobs said, “I believe that government can work by and for the people, and do real good in people’s lives. It’s why I’ve devoted my life to public service, and why I’m proud to serve my community in the House of Representatives. But House Republicans have turned the House into chaos, elevating extremism and the MAGA faction of their party. They intentionally pushed our country toward a historic default of our debt and a federal government shutdown, ignoring the stress and anxiety inflicted on the American people and our economy. They hijacked the bipartisan NDAA and made it into a reckoning on culture war issues instead of addressing the needs of our service members and military families. And they launched a baseless impeachment inquiry to distract from their inability to govern, wasting time and taxpayer dollars, despite no evidence of wrongdoing. That’s why I voted for the Republican Motion to Vacate the Chair and remove the Speaker of the House. I look forward to getting back to the important work of the People’s House, and working with anyone from either party who is willing to focus on the kind of leadership and representation our communities deserve.”

