August 07, 2024

Rep. Sara Jacobs Pens Op-Ed: U.S. Must Stop Arms Sales to the UAE Until They Stop Arming the RSF in Sudan War

Rep. Sara Jacobs, the Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa, penned an op-ed for The Hill about her legislation, the Stand Up for Sudan Act, which would prohibit U.S. arms sales to the UAE until they stop aiding the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in the civil war in Sudan. The war in Sudan has caused the world’s largest internal displacement crisis, one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises, and a famine in the Zamzam IDP camp in North Darfur. 


Read Rep. Sara Jacobs’ Op-Ed Here


In part, Rep. Sara Jacobs wrote:


“One of the fastest ways to end the civil war in Sudan is to hold outside actors accountable for their involvement in the war…That’s why I introduced the Stand Up for Sudan Act to prohibit U.S. arms sales to the UAE until the Biden administration can certify that the UAE is no longer providing material support to the RSF. The UAE is one of the biggest buyers of U.S. arms in the world – we have the leverage to send a clear message that funding and fueling this violence is unacceptable.”

