May 15, 2024

Reps. Sara Jacobs, Maria Salazar Introduce Bipartisan Global Internet Freedom Act

Rep. Sara Jacobs (CA-51) and Rep. Maria Salazar (FL-27) introduced the bipartisan Global Internet Freedom Act to reinforce that internet freedom is fundamental to human rights. The bipartisan legislation would require the U.S. Department of State to include abuses of internet freedom, including shutting down internet services, blocking websites, social media sites, and applications, and engaging in other forms of digital repression, in its annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices.

Global internet freedom declined for the 13th consecutive year in 2023, in part because of the increased use of artificial intelligence (AI) to deploy disinformation and improve the efficiency of online censorship.

Rep. Sara Jacobs said: “In the 21st century, internet freedom is a human right. It’s essential to get news and information about current events, connect with loved ones, ensure transparency and accountability of elected officials, and so much more. But unfortunately, dozens of countries engage in censorship and suppression online or issue draconian punishments for online activity, stifling people’s freedom of expression and ability to connect and engage with others. AI also poses new and heightened risks to internet freedom, empowering governments to wage online disinformation campaigns and surveil and censor online speech, websites, and social media platforms. That’s why I’m proud to introduce the bipartisan Global Internet Freedom Act to stand up for internet freedom and hold those accountable for infringing on this human right.”

“Totalitarian governments in Latin America rely on cutting off Internet access to perpetuate their oppression, just like the Cuban regime did during the July 11th protests and continues to do every time the Cuban people ask for freedom,” said Rep. Salazar. “With global Internet freedom declining for the 13th year in a row, the United States must ensure we have accurate information on how countries are restricting their citizens’ access to the Internet. The Global Internet Freedom Act gives us that information.”

The Global Internet Freedom Act would update the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to:

  • Include internet freedom as a reporting requirement in Country Reports on Human Rights Practices
  • Outline internet freedom abuses, including barriers to internet access, undue restrictions on online expression, and undue violations of privacy online
