February 27, 2021

Statement from Congresswoman Jacobs on House Passage of the American Rescue Plan

Tonight, the House of Representatives passed the American Rescue Plan Act, a comprehensive relief package to put vaccines in arms, put students safely back in school, put money in people’s pockets, and put people back to work. The American Rescue Plan also provides funding to state and local governments and provisions to drastically reduce childhood poverty.

Congresswoman Sara Jacobs (D-CA-53) proudly voted for the legislation and releases the following statement:

“For more than a year, our country has been ravaged by a deadly pandemic. And in the two months since being sworn in, I’ve met with small businesses, child care providers, non-profits, medical professionals, and health care providers throughout San Diego. The message has been clear and unified: Congress needs to act. Tonight, that’s exactly what we did.

“The American Rescue Plan jumpstarts an expanded national vaccination program, provides needed economic assistance and stimulus for workers and businesses, and gives additional funding to state and local governments to safely reopen schools and support essential and frontline workers. This bill also makes tremendous investments to lift millions of children out of poverty by expanding the Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit for working families.

“This is a bold plan that meets the moment. We need to get lifesaving vaccines to more Americans and provide relief to prevent millions of people from losing their jobs, their homes, and their health. We need to act boldly to help underserved communities and populations, including the millions of women who have been forced out of the workforce, the communities of color that have disproportionately suffered across the last year, and the minority-owned businesses that are at the greatest risk of closure.

“I was proud to vote for the American Rescue Plan Act, and I urge the Senate to swiftly pass this legislation to get help to the American people.”