March 03, 2021

Congresswoman Jacobs Remarks on HR 1: The World Is Watching

Congresswoman Sara Jacobs (D-CA-53) spoke on the House floor today in support of HR 1, a comprehensive legislative package to protect voting rights, expand ballot access, and strengthen our democracy.

Congresswoman Jacobs, a member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and the House Armed Services Committee, highlighted the international implications of strengthening and protecting American democracy. Prior to serving in Congress, Jacobs worked at the State Department and the United Nations.

The House is expected to pass HR 1 later today. For more information on HR 1, click here.

For video click here: YouTube, Twitter.

Congresswoman Jacobs’ remarks on the floor are as follows:

"I rise today in support of HR 1 – The For The People Act.  

Mr. Speaker, I was in this very chamber on January 6th when our democracy was attacked. 

And in the days following, I received texts and calls from friends and former colleagues around the world – who were working on improving democracy in places like Burma and Hungary, who were devastated about what they were seeing and how it would impact their ability to make progress around the world. 

Passing HR 1, rebuilding trust in our democracy, is imperative for our national security. 

Since January 6, countries have questioned whether they need to listen to America’s calls to defend human rights or abide by the results of free and fair elections. 

Our allies and partners have questioned if they should continue following our lead, when it seems like other countries’ autocratic systems are more capable of addressing crises. 

We need to rebuild our credibility on the world stage. 

Countries needn’t be defined by their darkest days, but rather by how they overcome them. 

The world was watching on January 6. And it is watching again today. 

I urge my colleagues to support HR 1, and I yield back."