February 25, 2021

Statement from Congresswoman Jacobs on Passage of the Equality Act

Congresswoman Sara Jacobs (D-CA-53) proudly voted for the Equality Act today, which passed the House and now goes to the Senate. The Equality Act prohibits discrimination against members of the LGBTQ+ community in the areas of employment, education, credit, housing, jury service, federal funding, and more by adding gender identity and sexual orientation to existing anti-discrimination civil rights protections. Jacobs is an original co-sponsor of the legislation.   

Speaking on the House floor on Wednesday, Congresswoman Jacobs highlighted her personal connection to LGBTQ+ equality – as the sister of a trans brother and a gender non-conforming sibling – and the many constituents in her district whose rights would be protected under the Equality Act. In her remarks, Congresswoman Jacobs also celebrated the legacy of San Diego LGBTQ+ activist and community leader Larry Baza, who passed away from COVID-19 last week.  

To view video of Congresswoman Jacobs’ floor speech click here: YouTubeTwitter 

Congresswoman Sara Jacobs releases the following statement: 

“As the proud sister to a trans brother and a gender non-conforming sibling, and the proud representative of Hillcrest, the heart of San Diego’s LGBTQ+ community, I was honored to vote for the Equality Act. This historic legislation will be life-changing for so many of my constituents and for LGBTQ+ people across the country. No one should face discrimination because of who they are or who they love.  

“The passage of the Equality Act and the progress we’ve made wouldn’t have been possible without the work of all those who have marched, protested, and demanded equality for decades . 

“Today, I am a proud and grateful sister and representative. Our work is not done and I’m committed to continuing the efforts to make sure our schools, workplaces, and communities are welcoming and inclusive to all people.”