February 13, 2021

Statement from Congresswoman Jacobs on Senate Impeachment Vote

This evening, the Senate failed to convict former President Trump in a 57-43 vote. The 57 votes to impeach mark the first time since 1868 that a majority of the Senate has voted in favor of impeachment.

Congresswoman Sara Jacobs (D-CA-53) releases the following statement:

“The evidence was overwhelmingly clear that President Trump incited a violent insurrection against our government. President Trump’s actions led to a deadly attack on the Capitol and threatened the lives of many, including the elected leaders of our government and the law enforcement tasked with protecting us. He attempted to disrupt a core constitutional process and overturn an election and his actions will go down in history as a shameful attack on our democracy.

“It is profoundly upsetting that so many Republican Senators chose to put partisanship and loyalty to a disgraced former president above our democracy. But history will also record that a bipartisan majority in both the House and Senate voted to impeach. I thank our House managers for the excellent job they did presenting the case to the Senate. While a block of Republican Senators chose to ignore the facts, the country and the world was given a plain record of what truly happened when our Capitol was attacked.

“Now we continue the hard work of rebuilding our democracy, and ensuring something like this never happens again.” 

