April 28, 2021

Statement from Congresswoman Sara Jacobs on President Biden’s Address to a Joint Session of Congress

Congresswoman Sara Jacobs (D-CA-53) watched President Biden’s address to a Joint Session of Congress tonight from her district office in San Diego, following a virtual watch party she held with constituents.  

Congresswoman Jacobs’ virtual guest for the speech was Shaunte Brown, a College Area resident and child care provider. Congresswoman Jacobs invited Brown to be her virtual guest to honor and celebrate the hard work of child care workers across California’s 53rd District and the entire country.  

During his speech, President Biden introduced his American Families Plan to make transformational investments in our kids, families, and economies. Earlier this week, Congresswoman Jacobs led a letter to the White House calling for a permanent expansion of the Child Tax Credit and joined Senator Elizabeth Warren in announcing new legislation to create universal child care in the United States.  

Statement from Congresswoman Sara Jacobs: 

“This was a positive, inclusive, forward-looking speech that shows the White House is focused on meeting this moment.

“This last year has been so difficult for so many people, and at times, it felt so dark and like there was no hope on the horizon. Tonight, President Biden’s speech honored those tough times, and gave us so many reasons to be hopeful: shots getting into arms, people getting back to work, and as the President said, America is moving again.

“As one of the youngest members of Congress I thought that it was especially important that President Biden put forward a transformative vision of the future. One where we invest in children and families, treat everyone with dignity, and where America leads. 

“I’ve pushed hard for making the expanded Child Tax Credit permanent and to achieve universal child care. President Biden centered those issues in his remarks tonight in a historic way. And while the President has made it clear that he shares the same goals, on the Child Tax Credit and universal child care, I believe that we need to go further.

“Tonight reminded us that there’s nothing we can’t do if we work together. America is back and we’re rebuilding better than ever. 

“The message from President Biden was clear. On so many of the important issues we are facing, Congress needs to act. Let’s get to work and deliver for the American people, and show the world that democracies work.”