January 06, 2021

Statement from Congresswoman Sara Jacobs on the Attack on the Capitol

"During my years of service with the United Nations and the State Department, working in conflict-torn countries and in the aftermath of violent coups, I never would have anticipated the same level of violence as I witnessed today at our own Capitol. Today, human lives and the life of our democracy were put at risk by an angry mob that was encouraged by President Trump and his allies in Congress who have put power over principle for years.

"I stand with my colleagues calling for the immediate impeachment of President Trump and the expulsion of those Members of Congress who continue to stand in the way of the certification of our free and fair election. I encourage Vice President Pence and members of the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment. We all took an oath to support and defend our Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, and the time to act is now.

"I was in the House Gallery watching the proceedings of the Electoral College certification when the Capitol was breached; under guidance of Capitol Police, we sheltered under our seats, wore gas masks, and had to quickly evacuate, climbing under handrails and over seats to protect ourselves from a breach of the House Chamber itself. We witnessed guns being drawn to defend a barricaded door to the House Chamber. We heard protestors banging on the doors directly behind us. I spent the next five hours sheltering in a secure location in the Capitol complex. My Chief of Staff and Legislative Director were similarly on lockdown in our office.

"Every four years, I stand in awe of our peaceful transition of power, even when I disagree with whomever is assuming power, that far too many countries I’ve worked in have never been able to accomplish. So let us be unyieldingly clear: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the election on November 3 and will be sworn in as President and Vice President on January 20. President Trump and Republican Members of Congress who led people to believe otherwise must be held accountable for the violence and loss of life they encouraged today. They put the Capitol complex and everyone inside – Members of Congress, our staff, members of the press, and so many others – in grave danger.

"I fully support Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer’s decision to call Congress back into session and to continue with the certification of the Electoral College tonight. The violence at the Capitol – and President Trump’s unwillingness to call for it to end – can not and will not impede the important task of certifying the votes of the American people. 

"In the coming days, I will be meeting with my Democratic and Republican colleagues – those who are equally horrified by the events today – about the path ahead. What we saw today may be America’s present, but I will spend every moment that I am in Congress making sure that it is not our future."