May 11, 2021

Statement by Congresswoman Jacobs on Violence in Jerusalem

Congresswoman Sara Jacobs (D-CA-53), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, released the following statement: 

“I am horrified by the reports and videos of violence in Jerusalem. The forced evictions in Sheikh Jarrah, the raid of Al Aqsa Mosque as worshipers prayed during Ramadan, and the escalation of violence by Hamas and the Israeli government have all swiftly and gravely damaged the long-term goals of peace for the region. 

“As a Jewish woman, this crisis is deeply personal. I have close family living in Israel, and as violence escalates, I am worried for their and everyone’s safety in the region.  

“I urge President Biden and Secretary Blinken to use all diplomatic efforts to de-escalate this situation — to forcefully stand against violence, to unequivocally denounce the killing of civilians and children, and to reaffirm our support of long-term peace and stability in the region. 

“Violence is violence — whether it is committed by our allies or our adversaries. Our leadership on the world stage demands that we speak up for what is right, even when – and especially when – it is inconvenient or uncomfortable.”